Thursday, July 22, 2010

Design Style blogs has moved to Healthy Home Design

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 tips to maximize small spaces

I chose to live in a small house because it is easier to keep clean. Space and storage is always an issue and a compromise has to be made whenever something new comes in. It means something old has to move around or OUT.

Here are some tips to maximize your space and minimize compromises, at least to some degree:

1. Mount your flat screen TV on the wall. Above a credenza, or a fireplace or on the stairway wall are some options. Be sure that it is not in a traffic area, or you will be watching your kids pass by more than the program on TV.

2. Built-in shelves and storage on walls save a lot of space. Elevate the storage to maximize floor space below for tables and movables storage.

3. If you are building new or remodeling, choose wide/large flooring planks that cover vertically from the entrance and continue to adjoining rooms. Visually this creates a sense of continuation and spaciousness.

4. Pocket doors are great for small spaces, they can be retrofitted in existing walls as long as there are no electrical plugs, outlets, thermostats boxes already in the wall cavity.

5. Multifunctional furnishings not only save space but also money. Look for trunks that can double up as coffee tables or additional seating, or ottoman with storage that can serve as a coffee table.

6. Potted plants are wonderful to have, but make it an herb near your kitchen. Most herbs can be grown indoors all year long and they smell wonderful too.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A clutter-free bedroom is a healthy bedroom


This bedroom was designed to eliminate dust and allergens, but to create the comfort you experience at a resort hotel room.

Floating bedside tables, allow for easy vacuuming and wood headboard is easily dusted.
Intentionally minimized table top surfaces to avoid clutter of un-necessary objects. 
The custom wood trunk not only hides extra pillows and blankets, it keeps them dust-free for when they are needed. 
Custom carpentry by Mike Fair.

Refresh an old dining set by swapping seat upholstery

When you have quality furnishings, you don't necessarily need to buy new furniture to create a fresh look.
This old glass and metal dining set looked tired because of the dark vinyl seats, all scratched up by the household cats. It got a new fresh look by re-upholstering the seats in cheerful fabric with a tight and smoothe weave that cats hate to scratch.

Makeover cost: $200, Save the labor cost by doing it yourself. Learn how to match the repeat on the pattern and use a staple gun.

Before photo

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


 We all have things that we hold dear and can't let go of. When we accumulate too much they won't let go of us!
Yes, clutter can hold you back, pull you down, and sometimes make you sick.
If you are sick of your clutter it is time to get hold of reality.

I get called to organize peoples homes, garages, kids rooms, living rooms, you name it.
But when it comes to compromise, I get this: " but I love that" so I give them this: "take a picture of it, file it on your computer under -stuff i love- and let them go to a good home where they may even be used some day.

Here are some tips on how to organize your room:
1. start in small manageable areas. Feeling good about an accomplishment will make you want to do more.

Attack a closet or small room in the house where things are to be used regularly. Take everything out and pile them in 3 categories:
a. " I will use four times a year or less" --- move these out of here to a garage or storage. But keep them in a box labeled and easy to find again: " Christmas", "picnic", etc.

" I will use this at least once a month": Keep these in your closet. Create or invest in some shelving system and boxes to keep these organized. (confession: I am a big fan of IKEA! affordable and good looking storage solutions and available online.)

"I will never use this": if the item is useful, donate it. If the item is broken, can it be recycled?
If the item truly belongs to the garbage, then that is where it will go.
The goal is to end up with 2/3 of what you started.

A clutter free area means less dust and prettier to look at. But more importantly it saves time, it is easier to find things.
Pick an area today and plan your attack!