Friday, April 23, 2010

What does your living room say about you?

Many of us make the TV the focal point on our living room. What does that say about you?

" I love TV!" that is fine if that is true about you.

If not, reorient the furniture to focus on a beautiful view from a window, the fireplace, or an art collection.

A sofa or two chairs looking out a window into your garden can be relaxing to you and your visitors.

Your fireplace mantel can host a few of your favorite objects. Even in summer tha firebox can be soothing with a few burnign candles.

If you make your art collection a focal point, group them in odd numbers. Use various sizes to create balance or create a complete symmetry by grouping objects on a wall. 

Use one main neutral color, add a secondary complementary color, and finally a touch of surprising red, green or purple.

A good interior designer will take advantage of the pieces you already own and incorporates them into your environment. So be sure to show everything to your designer if you hire one.

Taking advantage of the beautiful view of the garden

After all, a living room may be the first impression about you and your family. If watching TV is not all you are about, turn things around!

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